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The Blazing Minds art letter

Blazing Minds is a weekly art letter of cognitive exploration that merges art and psychology to open new dimensions of self-discovery and personal growth.

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The Earth

In a world that celebrates speed and external success, we often forget that our greatest strengths lie within. Inspired by Miyamoto Musashi’s wisdom, this letter reflects on the power of building strong foundations, grounding ourselves in purpose, and embracing the slow, deliberate journey of personal growth—just as the earth nurtures deep-rooted growth over time.

The Unborn Child

Life, as understood from various philosophical and religious insights, and biological facts, begins at conception. This pivotal moment marks not just a medical milestone but a monumental ethical commencement. It is here, in the union of possibilities, that a new, unique life takes form, embedded with its own genetic blueprint distinct from any other entity in the universe.

There is only one good, knowledge, and one evil, ignorance

Socrates’ statement, “There is only one good, knowledge, and one evil, ignorance,” captures the core of his philosophical teachings. This wisdom reflects the idea that knowledge and understanding are essential for a meaningful, ethical life, while ignorance is the root of harm and misguided actions.

A Total Eclipse

During the Peloponnesian War, the Athenian general Pericles commanded a fleet of 150 ships when a solar eclipse suddenly cast them into darkness. The crew, shocked and terrified by the unexpected event, descended into panic, believing it to be an ominous sign of impending disaster.

The same winds

The same winds blow on every sailboat, but it is how the skipper sets the sail that determines where it goes. Much like the wind, life’s challenges come to everyone. Just as a sailboat’s course is steered by the way its sail is set, not by the wind, our course in life is shaped not by the challenges we face, but by how we navigate through them.

The greatest, most devastating unhappiness

The deepest form of suffering does not arise from external events but from our relationship with ourselves. To be unhappy with oneself is the most devastating kind of discontent, rooted in the inability to align our actions and thoughts with our values.

Nothing personal

When a boxer enters the ring and gets punched in the face, he doesn’t complain. He understands that it is part of the game and continues fighting, focused on winning.

In life, when people argue with us or oppose us, we should understand that this is just a part of who they are. Rather than judging them, we can choose to accept them, just as we would accept a large rock on our path by simply walking around it, tackling a steep uphill climb, or even swimming across a wide river to continue towards our destination.

In a bowl or in open waters?

Much like a goldfish confined to a small bowl, our potential is often limited by the environment we find ourselves in. However, when that same goldfish is released into open waters with ample space to grow, it thrives, becoming larger and healthier.

What if?

What if this life, this very existence, every action, every thought, every breath were more than just a series of random events but instead imbued with a higher purpose?

Work, eat, sleep, repeat

Challenging the beliefs and expectations and changing from what our parents, teachers, and society have assigned to us and programmed into our brains to something we choose to do through discovery, reading, exploration, seeking new ideas and pursuing experiences, is the answer.

Happiness is you, it was always you.

One day you are going to see clearly, that happiness was never about your job, your degree, or being in a relationship. Happiness was never about being like others and following in the footsteps of all those who came before you.

Self-love is powerful

Self-love is more than a feel-good mantra; it is about appreciating and valuing ourselves, setting healthy boundaries, and pursuing our passions. Unlike narcissism, self-love is a healthy trait that fosters resilience, empathy, and personal growth.

Read what you love

For many of us the challenge is not the reading itself but deciding what to read and how to approach it, which can turn reading into a struggle or a chore. The key is to grow the love for reading.


How much does a TV cost?

£100000, or even more; not to buy it, but to watch it!

Getting a TV is relatively cheap. The high cost is in the time we spend watching it.

It is okay, it is alright!

Nightbirde’s music, philosophy and way of living a life filled with hope and grace, showed the world that strength can be found in vulnerability and happiness can coexist with sorrow.