A Total Eclipse

During the Peloponnesian War, the Athenian general Pericles commanded a fleet of 150 ships when a solar eclipse suddenly cast them into darkness. The crew, shocked and terrified by the unexpected event, descended into panic, believing it to be an ominous sign of impending disaster.

Pericles, however, remained unfazed by the eclipse. He calmly approached his steersman, held up his cloak in front of the man’s face, and asked if he was frightened by the shadow it cast. When the steersman replied, “No, of course not,” Pericles responded, “So, what does it matter if the cause of the darkness is different?”

Pericles’ calmness and rational thinking, in what could have been a paralysing moment of fear, allowed him to reframe the situation. By altering his perspective, he demonstrated to his men that the eclipse was no more threatening than any other shadow—something they could control. This simple shift in perspective transformed a terrifying unknown into a manageable reality, allowing them to continue their mission without fear.

Shifting perspective is not ignoring the obstacle but dismantling it by “explaining it away.” In other words, dissect our fears, break them down, and understand their true nature, much like Pericles explained away the eclipse to his crew.

When faced with challenges, we often default to imagining worst-case scenarios, letting confusion, anxiety, and fear take control. With the right perspective, any obstacle loses its power over us. What once seemed impossible becomes something we can manage. This idea of perspective is deeply rooted in Stoic philosophy, which emphasises the power of the mind to control our reactions to external events.

The power of perspective goes beyond simply managing our emotions—it is a tool we can use to face any challenge. While we may not always be able to change a challenging situation itself, we retain the ability to change how we view and respond to it. The way we approach, perceive and contextualise a challenge shapes whether it feels overwhelming or manageable. By shifting our perspective, we reduce the size of a challenge and strip it of its overwhelming nature.

When facing a challenge, it is important to consider how we are framing it. Are we focusing more on ourselves than on the challenge itself? Adding “I” to the equation—”I hate public speaking,” “I failed,” or “I am hurt by this”—adds unnecessary emotional weight. These statements not only define us in relation to the challenge, but they also amplify its significance. Shifting the focus away from ourselves and seeing the challenge in isolation, we strip away personal attachment, transforming how we respond.

I thought I failed, but in the darkness, I found perspective.

As we reflect on the picture of the total eclipse, we are reminded of how perspective can transform even the darkest moments into manageable ones. What once seemed like a terrifying omen of impending disaster for Pericles’ crew became, in a moment of clarity, nothing more than a shadow—a passing event with no real power over them.

So, when life throws obstacles our way, let us shift our perspective, turning anxiety and confusion into clarity and challenges into opportunities for growth.


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I venture into a mind-expanding exploration where art intertwines with psychology and technology, revealing the intricate tapestry of human consciousness. Blazing Minds is a journey of self-discovery and self-empowerment. It hacks my mind, ignites my imagination, broadens my horizons, and shifts how I perceive reality. Each vivid artwork and accompanying quote act as guides, leading me to deeper self-understanding and broader perspectives. Thank you for joining me in Blazing Minds. —Agis

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