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Work Eat Sleep Repeat
Challenging the beliefs and expectations and changing from what our parents, teachers, and society have assigned to us and programmed into our brains to something we choose to do through discovery, reading, exploration, seeking new ideas and pursuing experiences, is the answer.
Happiness Is You
One day you are going to see clearly, that happiness was never about your job, your degree, or being in a relationship. Happiness was never about being like others and following in the footsteps of all those who came before you. It was always you.
Self-love Is Powerful
Self-love is more than a feel-good mantra; it is about appreciating and valuing ourselves, setting healthy boundaries, and pursuing our passions. Unlike narcissism, self-love is a healthy trait that fosters resilience, empathy, and personal growth.
Read What You Love
For many of us the challenge is not the reading itself but deciding what to read and how to approach it, which can turn reading into a struggle or a chore. The key is to grow the love for reading.
TV Or Not TV?
How much does a TV cost? £100000, or even more; not to buy it, but to watch it! Buying a TV is relatively cheap. The high cost is in the time we spend watching it.
It Is Okay It Is Alright
Nightbirde’s music, philosophy and way of living a life filled with hope and grace, showed the world that strength can be found in vulnerability and happiness can coexist with sorrow.
The Darkest Nights Reveal the Brighter Stars
“The Darkest Nights Reveal the Brightest Stars” is more than just a poetic saying. It is a powerful metaphor for how adversity can lead to our greatest achievements and personal growth.
Thoughts Become Things
While some people are held back by their past and others are sidetracked by distractions, those with a strong ‘Why’ experience something powerful.
The Sound of Silence
Audre Lorde’s quote, “Your silence will not protect you,” resonates deeply within this artwork. The three bullet holes, arranged in an ellipsis, show a tragedy that has been silenced, a visual representation of untold stories, unheard cries, and the suffering that silence often conceals.
Neglect Leads to Decay
Whatever we do not use, we lose. When we stop exercising our muscles, they begin to atrophy. Similarly, when we stop challenging our minds, our mental acuity dulls. It is nature’s law.