Read what you love

Every smart person loves reading, but, for many of us the challenge is not in the reading itself but choosing what to read and how to approach it. This can make reading fell like a struggle or a chore.

The key is to grow the love for reading.

As Naval Ravikant wisely said: “Start reading wherever you are and then keep building up from there until reading becomes a habit.”

Begin with what fascinates you—perhaps poetry—and let your interests guide you naturally. You might start with philosophy or fiction, then graduate to science fiction, science, or mathematics.

Follow your curiosity. Read what you love until you understand it, and then let that curiosity lead you to the next subject.

Reading is the foundation upon which knowledge is built, empowering us to grow and evolve. So, let us read what we love until we love to read.

I hope you enjoyed reading today’s art letter. Share it with your friends, and we shall meet again next week.

— Agis

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The Blazing Minds art letter

Blazing Minds is a weekly art letter of cognitive exploration that merges art and psychology to open new dimensions of self-discovery and personal growth.

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I venture into a mind-expanding exploration where art intertwines with psychology and technology, revealing the intricate tapestry of human consciousness. Blazing Minds is a journey of self-discovery and self-empowerment. It hacks my mind, ignites my imagination, broadens my horizons, and shifts how I perceive reality. Each vivid artwork and accompanying quote act as guides, leading me to deeper self-understanding and broader perspectives. Thank you for joining me in Blazing Minds. —Agis

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