Work, eat, sleep, repeat

Repetitive and lifeless.

Sometimes, we need to hit rock bottom before we can learn the lessons life is trying to teach—the worst place one can be stuck is right before rock bottom. It is not painful enough to change, just comfortable enough to stay the same.

Many people are unaware of how much they are missing out on in life. Their minds are trapped in a narrow focus, only noticing what they were taught in school and missing the many opportunities for growth and change that exist, just beyond what they currently know.

In schools, some of us were forced to read books we did not enjoy reading and study topics we were not interested in. That probably made some of us hate education and thus hate, learning.

If one hates learning, it is safe to say that they have lost a lot of zest for life as learning is a fundamental human drive. Without it, activities are not as enjoyable, conversations are not as meaningful, and days feel repetitive and lifeless.

As adults, we often continue to live as clones of the school system. We find ourselves on life paths we did not consciously choose, and our futures seem to be more of the same. However, it does not have to be this way.

Those who consciously re-educate themselves, and seek new knowledge, would be exposed to novel ideas. They can expand their awareness, connect new higher-level concepts to their lives, and discover opportunities for growth and change.

If one finds oneself in a job that does not excite them, earning a salary that barely covers the bills, living in a tiny flat in an ugly neighbourhood, or stuck in a toxic relationship—open-mindedness, curiosity and learning are the keys to finding a way out.

Challenging our beliefs and expectations and changing from what our parents, teachers, and society have assigned to us and programmed into our brains, to something we choose to do through discovery, reading, exploration, seeking new ideas and pursuing experiences, is the answer.

So, let our minds open up; the path to a richer, more meaningful life begins with a single step of curiosity.

Let us break free.

— Agis

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The Blazing Minds art letter

Blazing Minds is a weekly art letter of cognitive exploration that merges art and psychology to open new dimensions of self-discovery and personal growth.

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I venture into a mind-expanding exploration where art intertwines with psychology and technology, revealing the intricate tapestry of human consciousness. Blazing Minds is a journey of self-discovery and self-empowerment. It hacks my mind, ignites my imagination, broadens my horizons, and shifts how I perceive reality. Each vivid artwork and accompanying quote act as guides, leading me to deeper self-understanding and broader perspectives. Thank you for joining me in Blazing Minds. —Agis

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