Tag: June2024

Thoughts become things by AGIS
22 Jun 2024

Thoughts become things

While some people are held back by their past and others are sidetracked by distractions, those with a strong ‘Why’ experience something powerful.

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The Sound Of Silence by AGIS
15 Jun 2024

The Sound Of Silence

Audre Lorde’s quote, “Your silence will not protect you,” resonates deeply within this artwork. The three bullet holes, arranged in an ellipsis, show a tragedy that has been silenced, a visual representation of untold stories, unheard cries, and the suffering that silence often conceals.

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Neglect leads to decay by AGIS
08 Jun 2024

Neglect leads to decay

Whatever we do not use, we lose. When we stop exercising our muscles, they begin to atrophy. Similarly, when we stop challenging our minds, our mental acuity dulls. It is nature’s law.

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A selfless self-interest by AGIS
01 Jun 2024

A selfless self-interest

We do not harvest in the fall because we need it; we harvest because we deserve it through our efforts. This is not about moral principles—though moral and spiritual laws do exist—but about the fundamental principle: “If you want to reap, you must plant.”

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